Personal Branding Workshop for Coaches of ICF Switzerland

Sharing about Personal branding and co-creating professional brands with colleagues coaches of ICF Switzerland is an honour, good challenge and fun. Is personal branding just about how we convey our professional selves on social media? From our personal experience of career re-ivention, 5 years of research and exploration of personal branding with clients it turns […]

Supervision for Coaches and Consultants

In 2017 APiC piloted our supervision services for executive coaches and organisation development consultants on the UK market and continued with the supervision work for our Russian clients. We offer coaches and consultants an opportunity to restore and re-energise through supervision and encourage a dialogue that enables them to look at their client practice with […]

Personal Branding Workshop for Internations Professional Community

A hot debate about personal branding with international professionals, Internations expats community from Zurich and Zug. Where does personal branding begin? Is it only about me or other people as well? How I express my professional self? We explored these and many more questions during the workshop.

Leadership retreat in Verbier – V1

Our first Leadership retreat for our client executive team – blending organisational, team and individual development. The combination of intellectual challenge, physical load and positive energy. A way to maximise the value of strategy sessions and team collaboration.