Supervision for Coaches and Consultants

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In 2017 APiC piloted our supervision services for executive coaches and organisation development consultants on the UK market and continued with the supervision work for our Russian clients.
We offer coaches and consultants an opportunity to restore and re-energise through supervision and encourage a dialogue that enables them to look at their client practice with a fresh pair of eyes. Quality of presence, profound questions and persistence with an inquiry line are the key attributes, which we leverage in our supervision practice in order to help coaches and consultants pay attention to their meaning making process.
We have also undertaken a small piece of research amongst coaches, consultants and supervisors to explore the patterns, which might be present when working with clients operating in different markets, looking at them through the following lenses:
• Culture of an organisation in which client operates
• Level of maturity and experience of client
• Linguistic aspect
• Cultural differences
In 2018 we will continue building on our research and growing our supervision practice. We offer our services in both face-to-face and remote format. If you are interested please write directly to: