WEF Davos’18 – Depression and Burn-out – making the undiscussable discussable

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A session on Depression which one could hardly expect at Davos Forum yet it is a topic that is almost a taboo to admit and talk about in public. For importance of addressing it speak the numbers – annually ~350 mio people in the world suffer from depression (figures by WHO). In our individual and corporate coaching practice we often work with clients on overcoming the burn-out syndrome, which in most of the cases results in various stages of depression. Discussion of this topic at Davos is aimed to draw the society’s attention to the importance of this growing problem and make it discussible at work and within the family. There is at least one thing we can all start doing immediately – be more attentive to our family, friends, colleagues physical and emotional condition and general well-being. Let’s take better care of each other.